Friday, July 11, 2008

Now it is already reached mid 2008 and in the next 1 1/2 half years we will reach a milestone of one decade of 2000. Time move so fast now without realizing. Bila boring boring macam ni teringat pulak untuk look back at world music and sports scene including Malaysia.

Lets start with music:

Now the trend is that banyak band band lagenda buat comeback termasuklah Black Sabbath, Twisted Sister ( my favorite band), Cinderella, Poison, etc. What does this mean? Its either band sekarang bosan atau semua sebab duit...Lu fikir lah sendiri.

Gambar ni masa TS tengah perform kat Manchester in 2006. I had seen the video on TS comeback show...memang best giler. You all tahu lah betapa hebatnya Dee Snider tu, the most underrated front man in metal history.

On Malaysian Scene...hmmm biasalah dari dulu sampai sekarang, fans bukan really appreciate talent tapi more on glamor, muka lawa, jambu , comel...hshh bosan giler. Macam AF, punya lah ramai peminat tapi beli time nak suruh beli album semua tak beli...macam mana tu? Pasal beli album bebudak AF...I think the main reason why people tak beli sebab quality album hancur...tangkap muat je. Pada hal few of thems really talented such as BOB, Vince, Farhan, Yazer, Zahid. They all kena really sit down and think seriously about their own album. Actually I had told Bob straight away about this. Suara best tapi album hancus...Dia kata he will look into that tapi tak de apa pun.

Cerita pasal talent...sebenarnya kat Malaysia banyak bakat2 yang dasyat hilang macam tu je, contoh Amir Yusof, Azman Warren, Maman Teacher's Pet, Ann (ex Heavy Machine/Headwind), NRG, Thunderstorm...Bila masuk mainstream tak de sale...Sebab Apa? Tak cun? Apa daa. Tu lah harap -harap kat Malaysia ni fans boleh matured sikit...Go for talents not glamor macam US.

Pasal bolasepak Malaysia...hmmm sedih giler? Tapi nanti kita cerita la ok.

Jumpa lagi..nak kena tengok market pulak.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wa caya lu rockers!! he.. hee